Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Rules

Below are the rules I developed for the year. These were built for me and to be an improvement to my current circumstance. 

Austerity rules
1. In 2013 I will not spend my own money on the following:
- books
- magazines
- watches
- flashlights
- messenger bags / backpacks
- pens / fountain pens
- movies/DVDs
- guns
- video games
2. I will buy only one knife and that will be at the blade show if at all. Max cost $100.
3. I will not eat out unless it is at Spouse request.
4. I will still be able to spend money at Starbucks but only $50 a month max.
5. Business needs (clothes, travel, meals, entertaining) fall outside of this.
6. Drink/dinners/movies with friends will be at their request and costs kept to a minimum. Need to stay social.
7. I will keep a daily record of all expenses to track against.
8. Gifts for Spouse and Son will still be allowed
9. ITunes - I will only be allowed 20 songs and 2 TV seasons for the year (walking dead and game of thrones)
10. Gift certificates and credit card rewards are outside of these rules.
11. Housing/car repair are outside of these rules.
12. Alcohol - I will be allowed one bottle of scotch/bourbon/rum every 3 months. Max spend $55 each purchase.
13. Electronics will only be bought to replace a broken item.

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